Monday, September 30, 2019

Be the example

For God has not called us to impurity, but to holiness [to be dedicated, and set apart by behavior that pleases Him, whether in public or in private]. - 1 Thessalonians 4:7
Be the example that others follow, stop being a follower of evil acts, or behavior.  God called you out from among the impure and immoral ones.
When you decide to follow God, it as become a requirement to do what is right and please HIM. When you take up a project or assignment just as it is important to get the details, objectives, goal, purpose and ultimately bring back a successful report so does God require your dedication to HIM.
As a child of God part of your worship is to always please God, be the pace setter in every thing you do, your daily living is your project from God, that is your assignment, God expect you to be successful, not by might, nor by your power but by the Spirit of God.

God I thank and adore you for this new week, let your Spirit connect with mine and direct me to please you in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Be faithful

Honest people will lead a full, happy life. But if you are in a hurry to get rich, you are going to be punished. - Proverbs 28:20
Faithful is to pledge allegiance and follow suite without wavering, Once you have decided to be a christian , you have taken the mantle to follow Christ.
You cannot look around to other gods or source except to God, through Jesus Christ, and you will not be disappointed.  Those who are in haste to get an empire, wealth or estate do not have lasting and peaceful enjoyment.
The time of your greatness is coming and it will be marvelous, because I know those that wait on God without wavering have never being put to shame, so wait on the Lord. 
Your time of manifestation is coming, don't go through the short cut, because the road through short cut will cut you short.

Almighty God, I thank you for your promised blessings, I connect myself to your peace and endless supplies in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, September 27, 2019

No Turning Back

I pray to you, O God, because you answer me; so turn to me and listen to my words. - Psalm 17:6
No turning back is not giving up, if God has answered your prayer before, you can totally rely on HIM that he will answer your prayers again, and again and again
The Lord will and always shows up, always remember, HE does not work with man's way of thinking or expectation, HE is just God and will always come through at the right time.
If you are trusting God for an answer, be patient, wait the entire duration and you definitely have the best chance and opportunity, he will do it again for you.
When God answer you, you know it is worth the wait, So WAIT and be patient

I thank you God because you never abandon anything, I pray you give ear to my prayers today in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, September 26, 2019


I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. - Philippians 4:13
Doable is a way of saying it is possible, I can achieve what I fix my mind to doing.  In most cases you fix your mind on a mission or project with different plans and strategies.
All plans and vision are doable, and achievable, take yourself out of the equation and stress-less, the point of achieving it with a lot of thinking will be out of the way.
When you take the same time to seek God, of which will calm you, then it is easier to face all conditions by the power in the name of Christ than to carry the weight with your strength.
You do not have the strength to weather the condition by yourself, use the power given to you... the power of JESUS CHRIST

Thank you God for the name of Jesus, I receive strength to overcome every mountain in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; you hold my future. - Psalm 16:5
Guaranteed is certain, to have a specified result or effect. When you put your trust and hope in God you are on the pane of certainty.
Everyday of your life on earth is destined with blessings, God promise you blessings, through adoption into the family of God, even to those who bless you, they will be blessed.
The main thing is to stay connected to God, you cannot be here and there at the same time, you have to decide and desire to worship and honor God
God promise is a guarantee for anytime, in as much as you are twined in God. Nothing can take your blessing when you are with God, IT IS GUARANTEED

God Almighty, God of creation, I appreciate your supremacy; I embrace all your goodness and blessings for my life in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Don’t rip your clothes to show your sorrow. Instead, turn back to me with broken hearts. I am merciful, kind, and caring. I don’t easily lose my temper, and I don’t like to punish. - Joel 2:13
Merciful is an act many people desire or request from a superior, most especially a higher being (God), there is always a need for mercy in the presence of God.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)...nothing you do is beyond God, no matter your level of guilt, it will always be a replica to what has being done in the past, either by you or another person.
God is loving and always merciful to take you back if you ask for mercy, because His love is not base on you doing right, He already loved you even as a sinner, but coming to Him and acknowledging your mistake and moving forward.

God thank you for your steadfast love, purify my heart that my guilt will not stand in the way of your blessings for me in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, September 23, 2019

God: Your refuge

Keep and protect me, O God, for in You I have placed my trust and found refuge. - Psalm 16:1
Protection is an important entity you receive from God. There are always direct attack and some are accidents that cannot be explained, but God keep you from all danger.
No matter what your status in life there are people or group that do not like you, but envy you, and this bring about the fact that when you excel or full of joy, there is tendency for attack, either spiritually or physically.
The main thing is to trust in God and every attack from every corner will become null and some you will not see or experience, The ones you see will not overwhelm you and there are some you experience, which will make you feel terrible, but keep your confident high because you have the Almighty God as your refuge.
When you place your trust in God you will always find refuge.
Almighty God, I thank you for this new week of greatness, God, keep and protect me from prying eyes in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, September 20, 2019

Praise God

I will sing to the Lord because he has treated me generously. - Psalm 13:6
Praise God is sometimes link to when you have experience something outstanding or spectacular.  Think of it something spectacular happens everyday.
There is a common saying "if there is life there is hope" that is your situation is very full of hope, because you have the opportunity of think and dream.
In your period of day dreaming with hopes and possibilities, why not take a minute today to think of the things you would not have done for yourself, but God did for you anyway. 
Praise God, In doing so you might get a gift from your praises, God looks at the inward part, so be sincere in your praise and you will see great things happening.

Almighty Father, I thank you for the things you have done in my life, and in expectation for greater things ahead of me, Lord I praise you in Jesus mighty name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, September 19, 2019

In Process

God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won’t stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns. - Philippians 1:6
In process is a term use to determine that something is not complete, in the process of completion.
When God is part of a story, don't conclude or think you know where or how the story is will end, because any story with God will always end in glory.
Your life is a story that will end in glory, there is no conclusion or end of story until the day of Jesus, nothing is finished or over; some story-line are so long that you cannot count the interlude or breaks in-between.
God is always winning, so when you allow God to write your story, when God is in charge; there is always room for elevation.
You might have different and several commercial breaks, but the story is not ended, it is a work in process or progress.

Almighty God, I thank you for being my God, the great work in progress concerning my life will continue to see improvement in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

God's response

Because of the oppression of the poor, because of the sighing of the needy, Now will I arise, saith Jehovah; I will set him in the safety he panteth for. - Psalm 12:5
Response is the reaction to something, when in distress or being oppressed you go to God in prayer, so for all your prayer, crying, request and supplication, God promise to arise and respond in your favor.
God has never abandon anyone, He always respond to prayer, most of the time we are in expectation for immediate response, but God's time is always the best time.
God knows the situation and He also knows you, so when HE is in charge of everything and sees all things he definitely knows the best time to come into the picture.
All things will work together for your good, because He makes all things beautiful in its time... [Ecclesiastes 3:11], not before or after the timing, just in time. 

Thank you God, for responding to my cry, set me in safety from all oppressor and users in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

What God allow

Jesus replied, “If God had not given you the power, you couldn’t do anything at all to me. But the one who handed me over to you did something even worse.” - John 19:11
What God allow will always come to be fulfilled, because only God has the final say. Do not stress yourself about who is against you, sometimes issues of life happen and sometimes satan send stuff to distract, discourage you or to give up on the goal.
There is nothing that comes your way that you cannot handle or overcome, the enemy sometimes make it feel it is too much to bear, but hold to the end, when all is done the end will come, you will have more wisdom, experience, be more matured and it will be for victory.
No one can harm you except God allows it, and when God allows it, you get the victory, story (testimony) and God gets the glory.
If not for anything, you have gone through 1%, why not see where the 99% leads to, when you are in Christ no regrets but rejoicing.

King of glory I praise you for your authority over my life, I pray today that your authority and power will make great things happen to me in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, September 16, 2019

Inform God

Entrust your efforts to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. - Proverbs 16:3
Inform God about your day, what you intend to do, your plans, proposition and see the way your day(s) will become fruitful.
When you include God in your day, you let God be part of your plan or assignment.  God is all powerful, all knowing, the things you do not know, God through the Holy Spirit will remind you and your plans will fall in places, you never will have thought of on your own.
Make an effort or attempt to include God in your plan and you will see the difference in the result your day will yield.

Almighty God, I thank you for taking interest in me, I commit myself, plans and decisions to you; grant me success in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Praise God

I will praise you, Lord! You always do right. I will sing about you, the Lord Most High. - Psalm 7:17
Praise God is a term used most often when people receive good things or something great happen to them.
To praise God should be a daily activity with an intention, when you sleep, even your security men, guard or vigilante also sleep most of the time; there are many unseen things in the spiritual realm happening that even if your employed paid protector does not sleep they cannot stop.
In the physical, how many times have you seen an incident for example you escape an accident or was avoided and you cannot just explain how it happened.
You have a whole lot of praise to give to God, especially the unseen battles that God fought and victories that came your way, which in most cases you did not even have to lift a finger.  What about the unsolicited favors you receive. PRAISE GOD for the things you never remember to ask for and are being done(given) to or for you.

God Almighty I thank you for the things you've done for me without me asking, I will praise you continually for the good and right things you bring my way in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, September 13, 2019

Be fruitful

Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. - John 15:4
Fruitful is to be producing good, helpful result.  Everyone regardless of their mission or goal wants to be fruitful, that is yielding result.
To yield a good result as in good fruit, you cannot forget your source, as every fruit is from a tree, and the tree is linked with a branch, that bears the fruit.
When God is your source and main stream, then you can never be without result as in good outcome, so allow God make you fruitful by staying with God, who is the tree of Life

Almighty God, king of glory thank you for this beautiful day of fruitfulness, I pray for the strength to bear fruit to come upon me in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, September 12, 2019


But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. - Psalm 3:3
Lifting when it comes to higher and new level, only God can lift you up to that point of greatness and it will not cost you a arm and a leg.
When God lift you up, He does not require anything than praise and he way he will lift you up beyond what you know or can do for yourself.
God can cause your helper to have sleepless night for your to get to the next level, He can manifest is power for you to get what you did not deserve, all God will get is to take you to that height where only him gets the glory. 
Let God get the glory and you get the story, AWESOME right.

Almighty God, I thank you for being my shield, lift up my head to greatness and take all the glory in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Making decision(s)

for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. - John 12:43
To make a decision is always part of human being.  The decision on what to eat, wear, who to talk to, what business opportunity or contracts to venture into, these are some of the daily decisions that you make as a person.
But do you pay close attention to all the decisions you make as to who will sing your praise or who will condemn you.
Are your decisions base on worldly or Godly achievements.  Think about it if your decision is to be promoted or endorsed by men, of what value and how long will it last or what are the blackmails that will come with it.
God makes a way where there seems to be no way and will never blackmail you no matter what the circumstances may be so again I ask, who do you expect to sing your praise, man or God?

Thank you God for being an awesome and loving God, I desire and lookup to your praise and recommendations everywhere I go in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


The one who lives with integrity lives securely, but whoever perverts his ways will be found out. - Proverbs 10:9
Upright in relation to people is adhering to rectitude; righteous, honest, or just; which can also be regarded as integrity which is soundness of moral character, and honesty.
The 2 words upright and integrity have the word honesty in common for definition. Doing the right thing sometimes is hard, and I can emphasis that very well VERY HARD but when you rely on God through the Holy Spirit to help you, it becomes easy until it becomes your second nature and it will come natural to you to be honest.
The general sayings is practice makes perfect, what you do over a period of time will need no stress or exert energy to do
Despite it being difficult to always be honest the end result is pleasant which is also secure and safe
God thank you for the ability to choose, I pray that you will empower me to choose to do the right thing at all times in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, September 9, 2019

No more oppression

And Hananiah spoke in the presence of all the people, saying, “Thus saith the Lord: ‘Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years.’” And the prophet Jeremiah went his way. - Jeremiah 28:11
Sometimes you cannot explain the things going on around you, it all seems abnormal; what is holding you from being free? 
When you circle round a particular situation for too long it becomes normal, it ought not to be the norm, God promise liberation to you from every bondage and you will be delivered from every oppression or anything hold you bound or down.

Thank you Lord for this new day of freedom, I pray for complete deliverance from every oppression operating in my life, in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, September 6, 2019

No one can condemn you

She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. - John 8:11
No condemnation 
Sin is not good, it brings mockery sometimes and devalue your worth, but it is important to note that it brings distraction to moving forward in some cases.
God is not condemning you for your sins, you are to repent, brush it away and move forward toward better and greater thing that are achievable.
God is always seeking for your redemption, hence he has provided a way of redemption through Jesus Christ. God does not condemn or separate himself from you, but He is always giving you another opportunity to seek a better option and doing it right.
When God says your sins are forgiven, that means you are free so go...
God Almighty, thank you for washing away my sin; fill me with your Spirit and power to overcome every temptation that comes my way in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Celebration galore

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. - Isaiah 55:12
One of God's promise in the book of Psalms is to bless your going out and coming in, God will precede you in all your journey and wherever you go.
When God promise it is done so you are going out with joy and will be led with peace as you go out.  God is gracious, you have all your endeavors and the outcome of all your dealings will result in great thing that means it will be joy for you.
When you have accomplish your desires, then what next if not celebration
God of great manifestation, I thank you; I pray for joy overflow and peace on my affairs today in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

You can not be harm

The king was relieved to hear Daniel’s voice, and he gave orders for him to be taken out of the pit. Daniel’s faith in his God had kept him from being harmed. - Daniel 6:23
No harm 
Man naturally is born with so many enemy(ies), it does not matter how good or nice you try to be, there is always someone that does not like you, they have something to say about your existence or behavior.
The good thing is if you know your God you will overcome all the plans of your enemies, you can never overrule the fact that they will plan evil, but when you know the God you serve you are sure, HE will keep you from harm.
Some people just do not like you to be happy or get the good things of life, and some just your presence upset them, so you need a closer relationship with Jesus, keep your faith alive and without doubt you will overcome all their plan and you will be lifted up through Christ.
My God and deliverer, I thank you for deliverance; I pray, your presence will continue to deliver me from every wickedness in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Turn around

For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform. - Psalm 21:11
There are many evil plan and plot against you as a child of God everyday, most of which you never see or experience.
The devil always have plenty, if not over estimated device of evil plan to cut you short, discourage and doubt the power of God, but none of them succeed because God blocked it.
There are many great disasters and mighty things that God has stopped from coming your way, and you cry over the little ones that comes your way, because God knows you can handle them, rejoice because the ones you see or experience are far minute (my-NOOT) to the evil God stopped from getting to you.

My creator, thank you for over turning evil plans, continue to protect me from every harm in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor is over

“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,The crawling locust,The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. - Joel 2:25
God Almighty is a restorer and He will restore all that you have lost.  God's promise is restoring all your wasted years, and turn it into abundance.
Labor is productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.  The body of persons engaged in such activity, especially those working for wages, to perform labor; exert one's powers of body or mind; work; toil. To strive, as toward a goal; work hard to develop or dwell on in excessive detail:  to burden or tire: 
Favor is friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior; approving consideration or attention.
As He (the Lord) is the superior one over us (people) promise, and turns your labor into favor. 
As the world celebrate labor day today it will become your favor day celebration
Heavenly Father, I thank you for favor, let favor restore greatness into my life in Jesus name Amen.  

Bee Jay's world

Sunday, September 1, 2019


Nations will come to your light and kings to your dawning radiance. - Isaiah 60:3
When the glory of God shine on you everything will transform, there is a change in your life.  There is a light that you have as a child of God that attract great things to you.
As you trust and walk in the light of God your light will radiate this month and will attract great things, great and unimaginable opportunities, men of great influence will be drawn to you.
Walk, work and manifest in the light of God.

Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing me into this new month, I receive power to radiate and glow wherever I go in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world