Monday, November 9, 2015

It's a new day

What a pleasant day to be able to manifest the glory of Him who has made it possible to have another chance, another hope that we can achieve what we place on hold or unable to accomplish yesterday.

The reason to be grateful for another new day is the opportunity to try another method especially if what you accomplish yesterday was not productive or successful.  So you can try again or just pick up new opportunity, goal and make better decision; in the light of this it is another opportunity to look at the creator and see what you were created to do some and most at time we do not get to our full potential like the appliance we have just because we do not follow the manufacturer’s manual on getting the utmost creation.

You are meant for greatness, cause you are a thought upon creature, the creator took time to think it out before your creation, in

1 Peter 2:9New International Version (NIV)

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
So get into every day knowing that you have been specially chosen for a particular purpose, mission and achievement; so if you are a priesthood, holy nation and God’s special possession that tells me that you are able to accomplish more than whatever comes into your imagination, if you can think it you can possess it; it’s a new day you cannot be stop just get out there and shine cause you have been called out of the dark side into God’s light.

Where God is there is light, walk with him and partake in his light, go out believe in all that is within you, give your best and anticipate for an outstanding result. Go out and do great, you are blessed.

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