Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Seek God

Then the Lord Will save everyone who asks for his help.” - Acts 2:21
Seek God is an important exercise during this period.  To seek God as you stay at home, is a way to renew, or strengthen your relationship with God.  It is very needful to use the moment to seek the mind of God and what your next assignment will be. 
Let this moment count and be very resourceful to know what the will of God is, not only to seek for help but also to solidify your contact with God
This is not the time or period to play along or be in the midst of the crowd. Call, cry on to God and you will be see the difference, as this period will give you more understanding into what God is doing and what He intend to do next.  Seek God at this time with all your heart.  God bless.

God Almighty, I thank you, for you have all the answers and solutions; deliver, rescue and save me as I cry to you today in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, March 30, 2020

Keep on

Keep on being brave! It will bring you great rewards. - Hebrews 10:35
Keep on in this context is to continue to trust in God, and let your focus be directly on God without any distractions.  At this point in life, the whole world is in a panic as it seems the issue is not going away, instead the restriction is becoming more critical.
It is time to be brave and not allow any of these issues to distract or disturb you. This is a critical time in the human existence, continue to trust in God for victory and your testimony will be sure.
Do not give up your positive confession to the things happening, continue to stare on God, remind Him of His promises of protection, and be rest assured you are in Goshen, the diseases upon the Egyptians (unbelievers) will not come near you or your household

God thank you for such a time like this, I know you will not leave me nor forsake me and my household in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, March 27, 2020


Good will and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are yours! - Ephesians 1:2
Peace of God is very important.  When the wind was boisterous then, Jesus spoke the word 'peace be still'.  The peace of the Lord according the the scriptures surpass every human understanding.  How can your mind be at rest in the midst of an outbreak, that is the peace of God.
When you trust God, every situation that make other panic will seems normal to you, because you rest in the Almighty God, the 'I AM that I AM'.  Whatever you intend God to be is what He will be.  In a time like this you feel good and confident that you have a God that does not fail or is threaten by the situation, because He is outside of the environment.  
God is outside of the natural, it makes it easy for Him to control everything, the now, the past and the future, be happy and be at peace the king of the universe has you covered, right in His mighty big hands. When you are in Christ and He in you. You will experience and be at peace in the midst of the storm.

God of all peace, I thank you and I appreciate your peace, grace and good will at this time in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Right with God

Christ never sinned! But God treated him as a sinner, so that Christ could make us acceptable to God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21
Right with God is the great thing to do, pick your side and build your tent on the winning side, which is with God Almighty.  God is defined by the love He has for you and that He exhibit from the beginning.  God has not change His nature to love, but you have struggled to maintain your love and loyalty to Him.
The love He has, has brought you redemption over and over again, to the point of making Jesus to be the sacrificial lamb, that you may be part of the family of God. You need not pay the price for your misdoings but to accept the love of God.
For by faith you are in good standing with God. Let it count by being a reputable ambassador of heaven. Exhibit your love to God for all to see and know whose you are and where you belong.

God thank you so much for your love and sponsorship into your domain, help me to be a good representative in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


All of creation waits with eager longing for God to reveal his children. - Romans 8:19
Revelation is the thing declare to be seen, if God is to make you know the hidden things, what will it be?
The revelation of God is to make known the real children of God, when it is manifestation time will God show case you?
The love of God is for all, no requirement, no qualification, but unfortunately not all are falling into the loving arm of God.  Some feel offended and irritated with accepting the ultimate love of the most high God.
Where do you stand, with the Almighty God or with the world?

God Almighty, thank you for your love, help me to work in your love and bear fruit of righteousness in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Mercy of God

But after they had rest they did evil again before you, and you abandoned them to the hand of their enemies, so that they had dominion over them. Yet when they turned and cried to you, you heard from heaven, and many times you delivered them according to your mercies. Nehemiah 9:28
Mercy of God, is great and cannot be compared to anything you can think of or imagine.  Over and over again the children of Israel keep neglecting and walking away from God, but as you read from the scripture above, they keep falling into the hands of there enemies, but God in His mercy deliver them.
God is great and uncountable are the mercies of God.  It is important for you to always acknowledge the love of God and stop taking it for granted.  It has become offensives to be a God fearing christian, you have distance yourself from God, the time you remember God is when trouble arise or in difficult situation.  
The trend has to change,  it is important to allow God be in charge of everything from now on, not only when you are in difficult situation or dilemma, when God is in control your ways will be made straight and your path will be guided.

God of all mercies, I thank you; have mercy upon me even in areas I do not know or acknowledge in Jesus name amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, March 23, 2020

No Lack

I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread. - Psalm 132:15
No lack even through the hard times is a promise from the Lord.  God promise to bless your provision, that is, whatever comes into your possession will be blessed of the Lord.  In addition to the blessing comes satisfaction, that is, no matter how little what comes in for you, you will be satisfied, that is more than enough.
Trust God to bless you with your provision and to satisfy whatever comes in for you.  
The Lord God is your provider, in this period, the Lord will bless and satisfy you, exercise faith and believe it and you will receive the reward.

God thank you for your steadfast love never fail and your mercies are new every morning; I receive your blessings and satisfaction for my household in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, March 20, 2020

Lord Lift Me Up by Bishop Hezekiah Walker and the LFT Church Choir featu...

New level

In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. - 1 Peter 5:10
New level is a good expectation, even in the world today, every one aspire to attain a new level in every aspect of life.  God has promise you a new level with firm foundation, that is to say nothing can move or shake the foundation.  When the foundation is sturdy and unmovable your new level is indestructible.
God has a lot of promises for you and your household, the promises has been released it is meant for you as a child of God to claim what belong to you. As the condition of the world change, the next level for you will be a higher level by the grace of God.
The Lord will transition you to a new level of glory, this phase of life shall pass away, into a higher and better phase for you.  Praise the Lord.

God Almighty I worship and thank you for your plan and promises; I step into a new dimension of glory with my household by faith in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Your laws are both my light and my counselors. - Psalm 119:24
Instruction, especially the wise ones are profitable and reliable when followed in detail.  God Almighty has seen the end from the beginning, He has full knowledge of what you are going through today and He has made adequate plan to help you.  The word of God is an instruction that should be followed and also abide with its content.
God has given the word to nourish your soul, keep you safe, strengthen you, encourage you and liberate you from every strongholds.  Imagine the word "noisome Pestilence", which is what is going on around the world, the pestilence is so noisy that it is the only thing you hear in every conversation; that word is in Psalm 91:3.  The word of God says, "He, who is God will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and the noisome pestilence. Praise God.
The effect you will receive from the word of God is rich with abundant guide, instruction that gives delight and counsel you. With recent happenings dwell on the word of God.

God Almighty, I really thank you for the written word, let it be my light, guide and counselor in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


The one who loves us gives us an overwhelming victory in all these difficulties. - Romans 8:37
Conqueror is someone who overcome, who is victorious.  As a child of God you are victorious over every difficult times like this, the situation is not to one person group or country, this is a concern to every living soul.
In the light of this events, you are to be calm and believe that only God can wipe away every uproar or pestilence like this, this is noisome .  This is a call to repentance, a call to focus on the only one true God, who love you despite what you bring upon yourself.
God is merciful, loving, His faithfulness of love are new every morning, whenever you walk away God is still loving to accept you when you repent and walk back.  
God is love and all compassionate, bring God back into every facet of your life and the love of God has given you an upper hand to be victorious through the precious blood of Jesus

God Almighty, thank you for the victory I receive through your love and the blood of Jesus; I pray for full manifestation in my life and household in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

God with you

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. - Isaiah 43:2
God is with you in every circumstances, situation and location.  This is the time to trust God more, you have placed him on the side or back burner for too long, let God be at the forefront, allow Him to take charge and all will work together for good.
In all this universal epidemic, God is God and according to the scripture, ..'if my people that are called by my name will humble themselves and pray I will heal their land....' .   This concerns everyone and it will be a good time for all to seek and trust God to heal our world.
It might not make much sense right now, but through it all God is closer to you, at the center of it all, you ought to see Jesus in control.
God is God over it all, and He alone will receive the glory in all these.

Thank you Almighty Father for you are in the midst of this storm; open my eyes of understanding to see more of you in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, March 16, 2020

Wise choice

Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. - Proverbs 2:11
Wise choice is important and it is also what makes a difference in everyday accomplishments.  What are choices, these are the decisions you make on a daily basis, do your choice(s) glorify God or self? Think about your choices and try to figure it out, who gets the glory at the end of it all.
When you seek God for wisdom, it helps you make the best choice(s), it improves your life, status, you feel better and operate in a calm peaceful atmosphere.
The wisdom of God is most important and needed during this period. Let your choice be Godly, let your choice(s) lead to joy, peace and good health.
Keep yourself with and in faith.  Know that God is able to protect you and bring you to a safe and secure place during all these tension, because "he that dwell in the secret place of the most High God, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty God"

God of all mercy and righteousness, I appreciate you for the blood of Jesus; in this period of world chaos, I pray for wisdom and let the blood of Jesus work for me and my household in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, March 13, 2020


But because my servant Caleb has a different attitude and has remained loyal to me, I will bring him into the land which he explored, and his descendants will possess the land - Numbers 14:24
Reward is for every workers, a return or appreciation for doing something.  God rewards, both faithfulness and sin.  Most of the time its always a common quote 'the reward of sin is death', what about the reward of faithfulness or loyalty.
God is just in all his ways, unchanging and never partial, hence you will reap what you sow.  God loves you so much that he will give you more than you desire or expect, but the issue is the willingness to be different in doing what is good and favorable before God.
God desire your faith, that is why it is important to declare things that be not as though they were and wait patiently believing that it will come into existence.
God appreciate you and also appreciate your faithfulness that is why it is important to be consistent. Is your seeking and worshiping of the true God real and without complain? You will receive the reward, in no time. 
God will reward all you have done or gone through, for being loyal, faithful and never wavering.  Trust God in your current situation and you will rejoice in no time.  God bless you as you response to God, dedicating your focus towards Him differently and Spirit filled.

God, I thank you for you being faithful and unchanging in your dealings with me; I pray for a more consistent faith that will attract your goodness into my life in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Heir apparent

And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you. - Galatians 3:29
Heir apparent is entitled to an inheritance, at the best will get something from the possession of the father, either adopted or biological.  When you know your place and you know what your father worth, you have an idea of what you will inherit from your father.
God has not called you to be left alone without support, you have the free will to be called a child of God, by accepting Christ into your life, confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing with your heart that Jesus died, resurrected and wipe away your sins.
These all seems to be simple and basic steps to be heirs of Abraham, but how many are on the path or willing to be called a child of God.  As a child of God you become a true child of Abraham and you become entitled to the promises and blessings given to Abraham.
You are always in the picture of God, ...'you are the apple of God' eye'...even before you were born, because when God told Abraham of His descendants many years ago, apparently you were included - so you can confidently claim Abraham's blessings as a born again.

God thank you for including me in your plan long before now, I enter into my possession and receive all that is mine in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Exact promise

Then God brought Abram outside beneath the nighttime sky and told him, “Look up into the heavens and count the stars if you can. Your descendants will be like that—too many to count!” - Genesis 15:5
Exact promise of God are for the children of God.  When you make a decision to give your life to Christ, through confession with your mouth and believing with your heart, you receive the promise of eternal life. 
Every believer has a promise from God.  There are general promises live the promise of eternal life and there are specific promises; like Abraham, he received a lot of promises from God and all the promises were fulfilled unto him.  The promise of God for you are sure, alive and possible. 
The promise of God for your life will be fulfilled in God's time, not your timing.  Be patient, wait for it and when it manifest it will surely glorify God and give you praise, testimony, singing, dancing and rejoicing -whatever you know how to do. Don't try to figure the possibility or the doing, just believe.
The promise is for the giver to fulfill and for the receiver to wait and receive.  God is the giver, He will make all things beautiful in His time.  Wait for it and you will be glad you did.  God bless you as you wait.

God, I thank you for all the promises you have for me; I pray for a believing heart and abiding faith to receive it all in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Lift up

Many are helped by useful instruction, but fools are killed by their own stupidity. - Proverbs 10:21
Lift up in every sense, is to take or pick up something from a lower state or position and bring or raise it to a higher level.
Lifting up people is not literally to carry them up, but to encourage someone.  How often do you help people around you?  Every one will agree, that, there is a lot of negative spirit going on around in the world today, but you as a born again, child of God, let the words of your mouth help, edify someone, so they feel better, energized or inspired after speaking with you.
You are to encourage, help, bless or lift people around you up. Encourage someone today, and see how the happiness you create transform your environment with a positive chain reaction.  You are blessed as you create a positive atmosphere around you.

Almighty Father, thank you for your living word that brings life, I pray for your Spirit upon me, to help and encourage someone today in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, March 9, 2020


The priests, the prophets, and all the people listened to Jeremiah as he spoke in front of the Lord’s Temple. - Jeremiah 26:7
Reproof is often a rebuke for the bad things done.  In most cases God does not reproof His people to condemn or destroy them,  it is always an opportunity to correct, bring repentance and change from the path of destruction.
In the bible, all those who were rebuke, with information of what evil lie ahead, with warning on what is to happen and who repented received another opportunity to live right and are justified with second chance, but on the other hand those who ignore and condemn the warning definitely receive the aforementioned judgement.
In other to be avoid condemnation, the word of the Lord is to correct, redirect, uplift, encourage, regenerate, make alive. If the word you hear through a man of God require your repentance, please yield. 
The word of the Lord should be a guide to right living and to make adjustment to a real christian life. God bless you as you become willing and obedient.

God, thank you for you are so good, forgiving and loving; let every word you direct towards me yield fruit according to its purpose in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Friday, March 6, 2020


And they forgot His [incredible] works And His miraculous wonders that He had shown them. - Psalm 78:11
Remember all the thing God has done for you or all the things God has brought you through.  The Lord is always good to you, His goodness and mercies are new every morning, so for each mornings you wake up God has great things and blessings for you each day.
What are the great things God has done for you in time past? Do not forget.., it's time to thank Him in appreciation
Remember the life you have, I know it might not be how you picture it to be or how you will design it, Praise God the best designer. Do not forget those things you actually think are good for you, but at the end they were going to destroy you.  
Remember the daily things you take for granted, those accident you barely missed, those things you thought will destroy you but turn out to be a blessing. Praise God for it all.

God of all wonders and marvelous works, I thank you; I really want to thank you Lord, thank you for all you have done in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. - Psalm 73:23
Continuous is a key factor in your relationship with God.  The word faithful is dependent on being continuous in whatever you are doing.  As a child of God, you ought to make it a duty to be faithful, consistent and dedicated to your service towards God.
When you are constantly with God, you are guaranteed a step by step walk through your journey.  Just like a father holds his child's hand and walk him through the rough and smooth path so will the Lord hold your hand and walk you through your life in the bad and good times.
If you are inconsistent with your walk with God, make a right decision today to be consistent and do not stop, but let it be a continuous walk and relationship.

God Almighty, thank you for your continuous love and support, I pray for the grace to remain faithful in my walk with you, in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


When, however, the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what he hears and will tell you of things to come. - John 16:13
Revelation comes from God, it is the the divine opportunity to see, hear things that are not natural to human everyday activities.
Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit, and you can get revelation from the Holy Spirit, who has different dimension to His personality, one of which is revealing or telling you things to come.
The Holy Spirit is able to guide you if you make your request and apart from also directing you to the truth, He will also reveal the things to come for your life and your household.  The idea is to be connected to the source and the flow will commence.
Connect to God, and you will receive from God through the Holy Spirit, when you make your request.

God thank for the Holy Spirit through Jesus, I desire revelations from the Holy Spirit, activate the power within me in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


During that time, the Egyptians could not see each other or leave their homes, but there was light where the Israelites lived. - Exodus 10:23
Distinction is a type of excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.  When you see things happening around you in a negative trend and you are not part of it, Praise God because you are being set apart for good and from evil.
God separate the children of Israel from all the plagues that shook the land of Egypt, so will the Lord separate you from any and every evil around you with his outstretch hand.  The Lord will separate you from the evil things happening in the land, because you have the hand of distinction from God over your life.
The right hand of the Lord do valiantly and great things to set His redeemed from strange happening.

God of all glory and excellence, I worship you today; let you hand of distinction continue to separate me and my household from evil in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Monday, March 2, 2020


Christ paid the price so that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to all the people of the world through Jesus Christ and we would receive the promised Spirit through faith. - Galatians 3:14
Blessings are meant for every believers.  The good thing about the blessing is, it is not conditioned to only the biological offspring of Abraham, but to all who receive Christ as their savior.
Your blessings come to you, by faith through Christ, you are entitled to all the promises of God to Abraham - hence Abraham's blessings are mine.
You claim the blessings of Abraham, you ought to have faith, because Jesus paid the ultimate price to make provision for you to be part of an inheritance, of the blessings God promise Abraham.
You are blessed in Christ Jesus.

God Almighty thanks you for this beautiful day, I claim and receive all my entire blessings in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world