Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Lift up

Many are helped by useful instruction, but fools are killed by their own stupidity. - Proverbs 10:21
Lift up in every sense, is to take or pick up something from a lower state or position and bring or raise it to a higher level.
Lifting up people is not literally to carry them up, but to encourage someone.  How often do you help people around you?  Every one will agree, that, there is a lot of negative spirit going on around in the world today, but you as a born again, child of God, let the words of your mouth help, edify someone, so they feel better, energized or inspired after speaking with you.
You are to encourage, help, bless or lift people around you up. Encourage someone today, and see how the happiness you create transform your environment with a positive chain reaction.  You are blessed as you create a positive atmosphere around you.

Almighty Father, thank you for your living word that brings life, I pray for your Spirit upon me, to help and encourage someone today in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

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