Friday, November 6, 2015

Visible Vs Unseen

Visibility is something that can be noticed, seen, obvious or detectable. Unseen on the other is invisible, hidden, concealed or unnoticed.

The contrast of the visibility Vs unseen is almost impossible to be merged together, but very pleasant that the existence of this applies to every one of us; this is the purpose of this blog, to activate a silent voice in us all.  Someone possess these two qualities, and connect us all together, lets imagine the stars and the moon up in the sky, without any string holding it down, or the sun hanging above us all without any link or source with the ability to be seen and fade away, just like our electric bulb only for the fact that there is no switch board to flip it on and off.

It was all hanged up without any string like our production world will prop up all actions and movies; the visible things we can observe with our physical eyes, but the unseen is the One who hanged and make all the things possible for us to see, without propping or string.  I am referring to the one and only unseen that exist within us all as a gentle voice that stands as the voice of truth we refer to as our spirit man, it govern what we call our conscience (dictates right from wrong).

God almighty is unseen, but His works are visible, our image was in conformity with who God is, so whenever you look into the mirror it is of a sure deal you are the visible look-a-alike of an unseen creator.  

Genesis 1: 27 – “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (NIV) 

Regardless of what situation you may be in, remember there is an unseen creator that can go back to the drawing board to fix it and make it new again.

You are a visible creature, created by an unseen creator.  You are blessed.

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