Thursday, February 13, 2020

Detailed Instruction

He told them, “The man they call Jesus made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me, ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself.’ So I went and washed, and now I can see!” - John 9:11
Detailed instruction is an instruction with some details attached to it.  A detailed instruction is not for every one, it is for specific people with some detailed rules to follow.
In a way there are different aspect to instructions, there are general instruction for everyone, some are specific to some group of people and some are detailed with some guidelines to follow. A general instruction to every believer will be to worship the Lord your God, obey His commandment  or do not neglect the assembly of fellow believers, these are general instructions for every believer.
When an instruction is specific, it is to some group of people or a particular person; like fasting it might be to a church or just one individual receiving it.  when an instruction is detailed it is specific to an individual and include some details.  For instance, to use fasting again, it can be detailed base on the number of days the procedure and timing. In the above text the instruction is to go specifically to pool of Siloam not any other river or pool but Siloam and wash not swim or dip.  
When it comes to instruction, you need to know whatever your instructions are follow it to the detail.  God will and bless you

Almighty God, creator, you are the ancient and real God of today, I worship you, give me a heart of understanding, to abide by your instructions in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

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