Thursday, April 30, 2020


For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. - 2 Timothy 1:7
Strength is a sign of confidence, authority and an attribute of an over comer. As a child of God you have no business exhibiting fear or panic about anything around you.
A child is prone to behave like their parent, every child show one or more signs that makes a parent to always affirm without any doubt that this is my child. In the same manner as a child of God, you ought to exhibit attribute that relates to God. In addition, you have to use what has been given to you. You have no reason to be timid in as much as God has given you power, to be in charge; you are given love, to be loved and love others and a sound mind to make reasonable judgement.
It is time to operate with confidence , put away fear and stop panicking, for you are in charge.

God, I thank you for your Spirit in me, I draw strength from you to control my environment in Jesus name.

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Good gift

And if you hard-hearted, sinful men know how to give good gifts to your children, won’t your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask him for them? - Matthew 7:11
Good gift and perfect gift comes from God the maker and creator of heaven and earth. God in His loving kindness decide to create man in His image after His likeness. The gift of God are without repentance, that is, God does not regrets of the good things He has done or given us even when we mess up.
God is the giver of everything good and perfect, but men has turn around to make irrelevant and evil of the good and great things God has provided. In every man there is a side that seeks good and loving memory for our children, even the evil perpetrators will say they intend to leave good inheritance for their children even to the unborn generation, so If men with evil tendency are willing to do anything to cater for their children what do you expect from a loving and kind God.
He gives you life and sustains you, the air is free to all, take a moment to imagine if the powerful men are in charge of the air you breathe, will you be able to afford it. Ask the Almighty God, and you will receive. Keep your Trust in the Lord.

Thank you our Father in heaven for the gift of life, I ask you for all the good things that will perfect my life in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


And here is how to measure it—the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends; - John 15:13
Friendship is very important to every created being, either you agree with your friends or not you all have friends, but a confidant is sometimes rare. Who is that friend that loves you so much to give up His life for you. No not one except Jesus Christ.
What a friend you have in the person of Jesus, all your sins, grief, distress, loneliness, secret and pain He is willing to carry for you. The moment you decide to have Jesus as a friend I can tell you it is a great privilege.
In whatever situation or condition you find yourself don't be discouraged take every situation to God in prayer, set up a relationship, create a time, place to commune with your loving friend.
You do not get answer because you do not present your case to Him, the same way you share with you visible friends, exactly the same way you sit down in your closet or where ever and discuss your issues, stress or short comings with Him and you will be surprise how things will begin to fall in place. Do not carry the pain, it is needless.

God thank you for the gift of Jesus and redemption, I believe in your presence, I have your covering to protect me from every Storm of life in Jesus name Amen.
Bee Jay's world

Monday, April 27, 2020


“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. - Luke 16:10
Faithful accomplishments is the nature of God, He does not go back, like His decision to love the world, remain unchanged. The same thing is required of every living being; to be Faithful.
To be faithful is to follow a cause or someone and remain steady in the same motion or/and agreement without changing or loosing focus.
In being faithful there is need to take the right baby steps, remain in the course of the steps or action, follow these steps with consistency and focus, you continue to take your adventure further, which will help and encourage you to take mighty ones.
When you focus on a mission and are stead without wavering you are sure of getting greater responsibilities that will take you to greater places and important people.

God Almighty thank you for your faithfulness, I come to you for help in being faithful at all times in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Friday, April 24, 2020


Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. - Matthew 11:29
Rest is very important for the body, spirit and soul. God in His greatness exercise the need and importance of rest when He was creating the earth. The Bible states ... God rest from all His work on the seventh day....
As human being with flesh and blood flowing within you, if you overwork yourself, you body will naturally begins to slow down, indicating or signalling the importance and need for rest.
There is need for a conscious effort to follow the path of Jesus in attaining an unimaginable rest, the Bible in quoting Jesus says yoke is easy.. for a submissive mind, but it becomes cumbersome when you get entangled with the world you become blinded to the ease of God's option. Give your soul rest in the Lord, all you are required to do is to seek God for help at all times.

Thank you God for your rest, I receive rest for my soul through the blood of Jesus Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Let Christ’s word with all its wisdom and richness live in you. Use psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to teach and instruct yourselves about God’s kindness. Sing to God in your hearts. - Colossians 3:16
Enrichment is God's purpose and plan for all mankind. In the beginning God bless man and instruct man to increase and multiply. Enrichment is to always improve yourself in every area. This is what God intend for you, to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God.

The reason to use Psalms, hymn and songs is to remind yourself of the goodness of God and His greatness. God has put everything in order until men became wise in their pursuit of power and influence and keep doing things that disrupt the plan of God. With all the evil manifestation going on in the world today and some men being possess by devil, you as a man of destiny, a man walking towards eternity, on the other hand are to increase and enrich your search for God's wisdom that will manifest more of the goodness and kindness of God.
God is great, the all knowing and it is the plan and will of God for you to prosper, so remind yourself of His awesome deeds and appreciate God of His kindness.

Thanking you God for not allowing the device and plan of the evil ones come near me and my household in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. - Psalm 37:7
Patient is required to get the best out of life and attain the great things of life, that is what I was told as I was growing up. I have read different part of the Bible and realized that the great men of faith that attain greatness with unbelievable results exercise patience.
Take into account, Father Abraham, it took a long time to have Issac, the promised son. David is another man, it took a long time to attain the throne, now we hear about the city of David. Joseph the dreamer, it took a long time to see the fulfillment of his dream, to mention a few.
When you are in for a great manifestation or desire excellence, your faith in God requires patience. It might seems it's taking too long, but God will definitely come through for you. Keep up with your faith, the end will be great for you.

God thank you for your track record for successful outcome, I believe you will bring greatness and prosperity my way in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Doing right

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help. - Psalm 34:15
Doing right according to men is considered a thing weaklings will do, but in the agenda of God, doing the right thing is the heavenly right, sensible and morally thing to do.
As a man who cannot control the future or what befalls it, it is very important to always do the right things because the right thing will attract help from God.
God sees everything you do from envy to unhealthy thoughts, the Lord sees all things, even your inner intentions, to it is very healthy to do the right thing at all times.
As you do good things, the Lord will hear your cry for help and you will receive help from the God Almighty. The help from God cannot be compare to the help you receive from men.

God of all helps and hope, I seek your power to always do the right things and help me at this time of unrest in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Monday, April 20, 2020

Stand with God

Moses answered, “Don't be afraid! Stand your ground, and you will see what the Lord will do to save you today; you will never see these Egyptians again. - Exodus 14:13
Stand with God at this time is not what most people will think as being normal, but it is only God who knows and sees the end right from the beginning, before the show starts to unfold. Who can direct you on the path of safety? Only God.
When you are in situations that seems you cannot fight or defend yourself, it is wise and a right decision to turn and seek God for your victory.
Victory is always with those who stay with God, from history records it shows that those who stand their ground to be unmoved by situations, but believe God are winners. God always proclaim peace, do not be afraid, do not be moved because when all is done and over God is still God, He never change neither does He change His position.
Do yourself a favor and stand with God, because the evil that some men create will destroy them and those who stand with God will be victorious and come out stronger on the other side of the tunnel with greater accomplishments and possessions.

God you are a great mighty man of warrior, let your power defend me from every oppositions in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Friday, April 17, 2020


He is the payment for our sins, and not only for our sins, but also for the sins of the whole world. - 1 John 2:2
Redemption is God's plan for man after sin became the second nature of men. God has it in plan from the beginning that if man become a victim of the devil (the manipulative serpent) the merciful nature of the Almighty God will come to pay the price.
Men have become so evil in thought and manner that many evil have been device by men. And this evil has made man to be in constant waywardness that affects everyone... hence the pestilence we face in the world today.
Despite all the evil nature of man, God has an ultimate plan, regardless of man decadency into sin and evil nature of worldliness, Christ paid the price for the whole world. You are redeemed

God thank you for your thoughtfulness before you created this world, I appreciate that Jesus took away the sin of the world. Let your redemptive power work for me in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Upper level

Humble yourselves in the Lord’s presence. Then he will give you a high position. - James 4:10
Upper level is a higher place of choice. The path to a higher position according to the scriptures is to humble yourself before God and walk according to His guidance.
It is easy to be great and successful if only you dwell in the presence of God, be humble enough to seek His face and let all your desires, needs and want be according to the will of God.
Let your humility be before the Lord your creator and He will honor you, exalt and take you to a higher position.

God thank you for another beautiful day of your glory, God lift me up as I humble myself before you in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift. - Ephesians 4:7
Grace is evident in every believer. According to Paul, in all the times he seeks for answer or a way out of problems he is facing, the Lord told him, grace is sufficient for you...
God has given every one grace, and in a time of crisis like what you are experiencing right now world wide, you can be rest assured that the grace of God is sufficient enough for each and every one.
In different dimension, everyone has been given grace, as a gift from Christ. To fully enjoy the gift of God through Jesus Christ, you have to activate the grace deposited in you.
The grace to live above fear, panic, worry, despair and troubling times are needs to survive the troubles of this world.

Thank you Lord for your grace, I pray for activating power and the understanding to know the use of your grace in my life in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Take charge

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.” - Genesis 1:26
Take charge of your life and everything around you. God has placed you in charge of everything in your custody and it is left to you to take your authority and not allow anything to dictate to you, victory belongs to you.
God at creation of man, intend for man to have ruler-ship over other created creatures, but due to unruly way of seeking power, which man already has; they go after creatures in the ocean, desert to seek power that has already been given to man at creation, hence the unpleasant situation we find ourselves in the world today.
Allow God to use you to take authority over your situation, let your authority starts from yourself, then extend it to your family, your neighborhood, your work place. The ills of darkness should not or cannot rule where you operate, take your place over anything that is not of God or that does not glorify God in your life or environment.
The Lord has put you in charge of His creation, be bold, act and speak with authority. Dominate and do not allow anything to dominate you.

Thank you God for your divine arrangements, Holy Spirit help me to step into the position of authority over every area of my life in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Monday, April 13, 2020

Overwhelming victory

but despite all this, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us enough to die for us. - Romans 8:37
Overwhelming victory is the kind of victory you encounter that gets you into a surprise uproar. The Bible says ...and when the Lord turn the captivity of Zion, they were like them that dream. The kind of victory that makes you pinch yourself over and over again just to make sure you are not dreaming.
When you allow God to take over the affairs of your life, you will always have victory, you will be unable to explain and you will become a wonder.
God has given you victory through the death of Christ. With God, even in the midst of catastrophe you are getting testimony all around. This day is regarded as Good Monday, a day to celebrate the resurrection, victory of the risen Christ. If Christ was not abandoned in the tomb, God will never leave nor forsake you. You are coming out of all this universal disaster celebrating, so you ought to start your victory dance and celebrate, you are victorious

Thank you God, I am grateful for your excess love, I receive all around victory in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Friday, April 10, 2020

God mighty hand

“Then you must tell them, ‘We were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with his strong hand. - Deuteronomy 6:21
God mighty hand should be a prayer request on every believer's lip, all children of God are to call on God in one accord. It is important that God shows up with His mighty hand at this time, even though some group of men brought this upon the nations.
The situation at hand is man made, unfortunately man do not have solution to the problem he has created, so in awareness of a greater power, you ought to turn around and seek God for a way out.
God always show up in difficult times, when you call on Him things change and are turned around into greatness. As a redeemed child of God, you should always be conscious of the fact that ..all things works together for good to those who love the Lord. If you love God, this universal panic will come together for your victory, it is so and I believe it, you ought to believe it as well.
In situations like this it becomes very hard to see or feel help; but God's mighty hand will bring you out. Jesus died to cancel all the works of darkness. So you are coming out stronger, better and loving God more.

God thank you for your eternal plan, I align myself with your plan and purpose to bring me out stronger in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, April 9, 2020

No harm

You won’t be harmed by the sun during the day or by the moon at night. - Psalm 121:6
No harm will come near any child of God, I strongly believe and hold on to that believe, you should too. God promise that He will be your help, there will always be some trials but in a major calamity like this, God will shield His beloved.
The Lord promise that the sun will not harm you by day, neither the moon harm you by night; these are God's creation to distinguish the day from night, so it will not bring any harm to you.
All the things God created are for your pleasure, nothing will harm you, in this time of crisis you are protected, stay in your Goshen ( in God, your place of refuge), keep your focus on God.
God will keep you secure and protect you, do not be distracted by the news or situations around you, you keep your focus on God and you will be safe.

Thank you God, for your wonderful creation, I pray that you will continue to keep me and my household from every harm in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

You are blessed

The Lord your God will inflict all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate and persecute you. - Deuteronomy 30:7
You are blessed as a child of God. The only people that God will strike with curses are the enemies of God, the evil perpetrators that seek to do wickedness.
As a beloved child of God, you have been hated for righteousness, people have issue unpleasant words to those who love God, or those who are calling on God to heal our land. On social media there are many who mock believers for professing or confessing healing, prayers are mocked and subject to a waste of time and some believers are being persecuted.
God cannot be mocked by men, the desire and will of wickedness will be on the carriers of evil and their doings and they will be cursed by God.
You are blessed for being a child of God and the blessing of God will enrich you to receive healing for our land, individually, physically, financially and every area of your life.

God of all blessings, thank you, for your never ending love, I connect with and embrace your love for blessings in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

God cannot be contained

This God made the world and everything in it. He is Lord of heaven and earth, and he doesn’t live in temples built by human hands. - Acts 17:24
God cannot be contained in any shape, size or form. The Bible described God as the one who sits in the heavens and make this earth His footstool. With this kind of description, He is very tall compare to any one seen, known or heard about.
God created the world and all the things that dwell in it, so that means He is outside of it, no inventor or creator is part of their creation, God is outside of this world to control His creation.
God dwells in you, that is the spirit of God in every human, it is either active or dormant that all depends on you as a choice to make; the attention you give to God is what you will get in response. God is always near, God is in different places at the same time, you do not need to be in a physical or assigned place before you experience the presence of God.
God cannot be ignored or abandoned He got the whole world in His mighty hand and cannot be man's puppet or play toy to be picked, played with and abandoned whenever you like. Man cannot direct or manipulate the works of God.
Go back to the basis and acknowledge the greatness of God in all situation.

Omnipresent God, I thank you for there is none like you, let your presence be made known in my life today in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Monday, April 6, 2020

Glory of God

The heavens declare his perfect righteousness; every nation sees his glory. - Psalm 97:6
Glory of God is very important and every believer should always strive to experience the Glory of God. You should desire to see the Glory of God and appreciate God by offering the sacrifice of praise.
When the heavens, that is all the heavens not just one will declare the perfect righteousness of God, the whole world will come into recognition of the mighty power of the Almighty God.
The Bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked, why are men desperate to perform wickedness, I will say in the pursue of power and prominence, the evil of men cannot stop the great and mighty power of God, but it will reveal the glory of God to the world.
The children of God earnestly awaits the Glory of God, do not allow the wickedness of men create fear in you, instead let your social distancing move you away from evil people, negative speakers, fear accelerators, and faith killers.
The Glory of God will be seen by every nation, wait for it and you will marvel.

God thank you for the heavens, your righteousness and glory, I pray for your glory to manifest upon my home in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Friday, April 3, 2020


John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. - John 3:27
Release is to let go of something. God is a great giver, every giver always release something and God has always release promises to you everyday through prophesies and revelations.
God is always releasing blessings, the Bible in Psalm 106:1 "For He is good. His mercy endures forever." So all you receive are from God and they are good tidings according to His promises.
God release salvation, which is free, blessings, healing, provision, protection, empowerment, abundance and many great things to make life comfortable and bearable for you.
Give God thanks and appreciate His good deeds.

Thank you Almighty God, your redemption is for all to receive; I pray for a release from heaven today in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Gift of God

You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God’s gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own. - Ephesians 2:8
Gift of God is for everyone to enjoy regardless of who you are, but most of the time people run after irrelevant things and only come to God when they are in dire need.
The gift of God are without repentance, according to the Bible; that is, all the gift God has given to individual cannot be taken back, no return address or back to sender.  If you receive a package with your name on it, because you did not open it, to get the item is not the sender's fault but yours, it is time to embrace the gift of God with thanksgiving.
God is so generous, He distribute gift to you in different ways without measure. The gift of God are so numerous, so you have to know what God is giving out or distributing from time to time.  Maintain a cordial relationship with God to know when your gift are being dispatched. Appreciate Him more

Thank you God Almighty, for the gift of life, breathe and many more; help me not to take your grace for granted in my life in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Shouts of joy

Who will come from Mount Zion to rescue Israel? When the Lord restores his people, Jacob will shout with joy, and Israel will rejoice. - Psalm 14:7
Shouts of joy will never cease in the household of believers.  Even for those who change and return to God will experience Joy unspeakable. Remember the Bible says those that sow in tears shall reap rejoicing.  Tarry in the presence of God with weeping and repentance and see the way God will turn it around into joy and rejoicing.
The Lord will honor the prayer of the sincere and there will be general shouts of joy, but when you connect to God you will receive a personalize package with shouts of joy.
God will bring restoration that is guaranteed but are you expecting the general package or you intend to receive all you can receive from God.  Take time in the presence of God and your life will be transformed. Praise the Lord.

God Almighty, I thank you for your promise to restore our land, rejoicing will be a continuous process in my household in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world