Monday, April 6, 2020

Glory of God

The heavens declare his perfect righteousness; every nation sees his glory. - Psalm 97:6
Glory of God is very important and every believer should always strive to experience the Glory of God. You should desire to see the Glory of God and appreciate God by offering the sacrifice of praise.
When the heavens, that is all the heavens not just one will declare the perfect righteousness of God, the whole world will come into recognition of the mighty power of the Almighty God.
The Bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked, why are men desperate to perform wickedness, I will say in the pursue of power and prominence, the evil of men cannot stop the great and mighty power of God, but it will reveal the glory of God to the world.
The children of God earnestly awaits the Glory of God, do not allow the wickedness of men create fear in you, instead let your social distancing move you away from evil people, negative speakers, fear accelerators, and faith killers.
The Glory of God will be seen by every nation, wait for it and you will marvel.

God thank you for the heavens, your righteousness and glory, I pray for your glory to manifest upon my home in Jesus name Amen.

Bee Jay's world