Friday, February 14, 2020


But happy is the man who has the God of Jacob as his helper, whose hope is in the Lord his God— - Psalm 146:5
Connection is needed by everyone, for job, contract, business, school, and surprisingly even in church.  People love as much connection as they can get to attain the next level.
With God you have a divine connection, God is able to help you to the next level.  God knows the right person to get you that contract, that job or admission.  It takes a lot of patient tarrying in the presence of God.  God knows your heart if you are in His presence to get the things you need, quick attention or actually in His presence for relationship for divine revelation.
Happy is the person that have the Almighty God and great is that person's reward.  It is a great thing to have the most high God as your helper, no connection is greater than what you will get from God

God Almighty, it's a great honor to have you as my God and helper, orchestrate divine meetings for me today in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world

God is love, the origin of love, I am a child of God so I love you all. 
HAPPY VALENTINE and fill your environment with the ultimate love of GOD