Monday, February 3, 2020

Much More

Amaziah asked the man of God, “But what about all that silver I paid to hire the army of Israel?”The man of God replied, “The Lord is able to give you much more than this!” - 2 Chronicles 25:9
Much more is a phrase that is not considered when you just experience a major expense(s) that led to deficit.  In the plan of God you cannot be in deficit or red if you seek Him before every venture.
God will direct, instruct and give you a plan to execute, if you seek him before you embark on any journey or project.  Even if you did not seek God at the inception, when ever you seek God you will still receive instruction that will give you victory.  
In the process of doing God's will, whatever you lost before the time you seek God, will be restored as in much more.  When in obedience to the voice of God, you will not lose, instead you will receive much more than you gave away.  The key is seeking God at all times and being obedient.  God will help you in all your endeavors.

God thank you so much for this day of Abundance, I receive much more, no loss but abundance is my portion in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world