Thursday, October 31, 2019

Celebration cometh

Those who have made fun of this day of small beginnings will celebrate when they see Zerubbabel holding this important stone.Those seven lamps represent my eyes—the eyes of the Lord—and they see everything on this earth. Zechariah 4:10
Celebration is coming, this is  a time of rejoicing, when everyone come around to share your good news and great fortune.
When you start something, it is always like a baby step, even your gift, you develop, practice on it over and over again to become perfect.
The project, business or your endeavors will become big, some people may laugh at you because it is taking too long or nothing is coming out of it, wait for it, it will blossom.
What are you starting, that seems small, rejoice for the Lord will make it great, do not give up. I am encouraging you like the scripture above, I am informing you today that your small beginning will be celebrated very soon, again do not give up.

Thank you God for great ideas and revelation, I pray for strength and boldness to see the big day of your manifestation in my life in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world