Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Remain Faithful

And this is the message: ‘Those who are evil will not survive, but those who are righteous will live because they are faithful to God.’” - Habakkuk 2:4
Faithful is to continue in your faith without wavering, remain true to the faith you had when you first believe, the dream, the vision; the desire you had many years ago or later should still have the same passion like the first time.
Your goals should align with your vision, and your faith will carry you through the waiting period, the waiting period always seems long and unbearable, do not divert to do evil remain faithful and you will be fully rewarded.
God promise is to those who weigh it out and decide to wait till the end and doing no evil; surely you will live and enjoy the the benefit of waiting.

God I thank you for your word, to encourage and build my faith, I need your power to remain faithful to the end in Jesus name Amen. 

Bee Jay's world