Don’t rip your clothes to show your sorrow. Instead, turn back to me with broken hearts. I am merciful, kind, and caring. I don’t easily lose my temper, and I don’t like to punish. - Joel 2:13
Merciful is an act many people desire or request from a superior, most especially a higher being (God), there is always a need for mercy in the presence of God.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)...nothing you do is beyond God, no matter your level of guilt, it will always be a replica to what has being done in the past, either by you or another person.
God is loving and always merciful to take you back if you ask for mercy, because His love is not base on you doing right, He already loved you even as a sinner, but coming to Him and acknowledging your mistake and moving forward.
God thank you for your steadfast love, purify my heart that my guilt will not stand in the way of your blessings for me in Jesus name Amen.
Bee Jay's world